Tomorrow night, the "Monk" series finale will be aired, marking the end of an incredible eight year run for this program that along with "The Shield" has helped change the face of cable television. Having watched Monk from the beginning, this will be a very sad day, although we will at long last along with Monk solve the case that has hung over the show from its inception, which is Who Killed Trudy (Monk's wife)? Finding out what happens to the four main characters will be intriguing to watch as well, but I want to salute the program that has fused drama and comedy together better than just about any show or movie I've ever seen. While not all of the scripts are great, and some of the mysteries are lame or ridiculously far-fetched, the acting and the comedy never fails. All of the main characters bring their A-game every week, and watching Monk battles his OCD, while living his daily life and solving high-profile murder cases is beyond hilarious.
I will be watching with my eyes glued to the TV tomorrow night, for what should be a season finale to remember. With the series finale of "The Shield" earlier in the near, my two favorite programs will now be off the air, and while CBS Monday Nights are awesome, nothing can replace the void that will be filled. Friday nights will never be the same again.
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