Monday, June 21, 2010

Early Vegas Lines

Another round of Vegas coming up this weekend. Hope to have some epic stories for you all when I come back.

- The moderator executes his wingman duties for Eric to perfection: 100%
- Eric wingmans it to perfection for the moderator: 2:1
- The moderator gets laid on his own: 4:1
- The moderator wakes up somewhere other than his room: 3:2
- The moderator has a + money gambling trip: 100%
- But still returns with $0 in his wallet: 100%
- I send out over 100 drunk texts to people in Vegas with me and those at home combined: 3:1
- I make over 100 drunk dials to those there and not there alike: 5:1
- I get thrown in the pool while fully clothed: 3:2
- The moderator dies of alcohol poisoning: 25:1
- The moderator dies of heat exhaustion, getting murdered in a drunk fight, or some other random reason: 150:1
- I get ridiculously lost: 100% certainty
- The moderator throws up: 4:1...didn't throw up at the last Vegas trip, and haven't done so in a long ass time

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