Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Perfect Woman!

(1) Loves baseball or falls in love with baseball when she sees how much it means to me.
(2) Is an optimistic Dodger fan to balance out by extreme pessimism, or is a pessimistic fan of one of the Dodgers' rivals so that we can make fun of our teams together, and have something fun to argue about.
(3) Is polite and courteous to everybody, not just her friends and family, and always says "please", "thank you", and "you're welcome".
(4) Reads my blog
(5) Revels in some self-deprecating humor, and can laugh at herself to round out a generally good sense of humor. Chicks who are full of themselves are the biggest turnoff ever.
(6) Is a good dancer, and loves to dance, so that I'll always have a dancing partner, and someone who can teach me how to not look like a gigantic jackass.
(7) Enjoys some fun activities that I don't find repulsive, but don't partake in on a regular basis, which will force me to become more cultured.
(8) Does NOT like cheesy chick flicks, but does like good films of all different genres, so that movie nights won't always be divided into "my night" or "her night"
(9) Is very well knowledged and passionate about sports, but not more so than me, because that would be scary, but does partake in fantasy baseball and fantasy football.
(10) Is always smiling, laughs at my jokes, and makes me feel good about myself all the time.

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