Wednesday, January 13, 2010

WingWoman Application

In case there are no qualified wingmen out there, here is the wingwoman application

- Must always have the moderator's sexual interests at heart
- Must be willing to "Suit Up" when necessary. Hey if you want to show me your deovtion you must be willing to show me your devotion, and that includes "suiting up" when necessary.
- Must be in a relationship, and her b/f must be bros with the moderator. Single chicks run the risk of becoming the object of my affection + women in relationships give off feelings of stability which the chicks that the moderator is targeting might trust.
- Must be willing to earn the trust of and then deceive vulnerable super hot single chicks who otherwise would never even look twice at the moderator
- Will always be treated like the lady that she is, in exchange for her loyalty and quality service
- Must be super awesome, have a personality that works well with the moderator, so that they are able to handle situations when shit goes down, and they must be able to deal with any and all adversity.

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