Wednesday, January 13, 2010

An Argument for Average Looking Chicks

While this blog always has been and always will be concerned with its male readers + the moderator + any single hawt bicurious female readers (whom I would love to meet btw) scoring the hottest piece of ass possible, here are some arguments in favor of scoring the 5's-7's of the world, who can be very viable options, especially when the 8+'s have burned you in the past.

Most of the below points are predicated on the premise that: as an average looking chick she hasn't had many b/f's and/or guys interested in her, and will therefore he grateful and happy that you took interest in her

- Less suitors= less likely to cheat on you
- Reduces the amount of douchebags who are going to hit on her when you go out to bars and clubs i.e. less fucktards who you're going to have to fuck up
- While her lesser degree of experience may reduce the quality of sex, the quantity is almost guaranteed to be higher, and the "options" available to you are almost sure to be higher...much more likely to secure a threesome with an average looking chick than with a hottie, unless said hottie is an insane freak, in which case, insta marry her before someone else does
- Less drama
- Less likely to blackmail you, try to fuck you over, or give you bullshit for the most insignificant/minor infractions...your quality of life will be significantly higher with a modest chick
- Less likely to be full of herself, stuck up, and a general bizzotch

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